Sunday, January 13, 2013


Hi guys!

Happy Sunday! I am so excited to be here to speak to you all today. I originally filmed this video back in December, and it was a very trying time for me. I just lost my dog"BOGIE" who passed in November(2 days after his 16th bday). Needless to say his death was the ending to make my life's transition complete. One day I will share the entire story of my transition. But just know that no matter whatever you are facing, there will come a day when you can and will smile again.

So. . . I decided to do what it is I do BEST! I re-focused my thoughts.. . I had to understand that "Life" is a gift! I had to be Thankful for the things, people and situations that have come into my life,  but I also had to realize that they all must go eventually. Once we understand this is just life, we will be able to still be Thankful, and know that this is the very reason for memories, and we can always have those!

I want to remind you that everyday is sweeter than the day before, if you understand that Life   continuously unfolds, and wants to teach us, to elevate us, to have us perform on an excellent level. There are situation's and people who seem very difficult to live with. Those things are meant to elevate your thinking, to elevate your life, and to show you that if you just be THE REAL YOU, you can not only SURVIVE. . . but you can THRIVE!!!

I know that we all have special gifts, talents, interests, and personalities, that make us unique. Don't be afraid of yours. I used to pull my gifts and talents back in fear that other's would not want to be around me, or they would think  that "I" thought I was better than them.

 Well I am here to give you permission to SHINE!! Shine so bright that anything or anyone who cannot handle the shine will back off. GOOD. . . . .  that will make room for the right people and the right opportunities to come into your life. Don't fight it. .. .let it happen.

It may feel like you're being abandoned, but truly, you finally accepting who you are will allow the real support system to set up shop! I am so proud of you, for taking these steps, for finally admitting that being you is enough. . . .yes, we need to change the things that don't serve us, and I am working on that as well.!I know it can be scary(smile), but it is something we must do, if we want to have the life we are meant to have. I believe you can do it, and can't wait to hear about your journey!

Please let me know how you're doing with your life's journey. If you have no one to support you, I would love to. I believe that we are put here to support one another, love one another, and accept one another . Whether I know you are not, I am invested in you. You are the reason  for my very existence, and I am ready to see what we can accomplish together. Its a NEW Year. . ..LETS GET IT IN!


As always. . . . Love you guys. . . .from the inside out!

Inspirational Beauty!

RIP Bogie. . .  .I will see you again!

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