Monday, January 21, 2013

What are your triggers. . . Let's Dismantle them!

Hey Luvley's!

There are so many different people in the world, and just as many personalities to go with those people. . .LOL! 

I would say "Men" have at least 2, and we "Ladies" have about 3-5(smile) Real talk . . .so, it's really important that we know who we're talking to. 

Have you ever been in mid conversation with someone, and everything is going fine, and then out of nowhere it seems like someone else jumped into the other person's body, and now "Craziness" is now abound! LOL!


So what's the reason behind this foolishness? Well after being on both sides of this volcano, I realize we have TRIGGERS!

We all have them, so let's not act like its just "THEM OVER THERE". . .lol.

Trigger's are like "Land Mines".

In "War" they are placed mainly for protection from an enemy, but if forgotten about, they can, and will often explode months, and sometimes years later after the enemy is gone, or sometimes after the enemy is even dead!

Well, we as people, have these Land Mines(if you will) that will be stepped on sometimes by an unsuspected and mostly unwilling participant(LMAO), and all of a sudden, things can go from cool, to NOT SO COOL..... in a matter of minutes.(They never saw it coming)

We usually first get them(Triggers), when we are young, and things irritate us, or we have a heart break, a loss of a job, a nagging brother or sister, so we take those into later years, and now we may be having a conversation with someone, , and "BOOM" this person reminds us of someone who lied, or who cheated, or who was lazy and indifferent.

Well to put it plainly, it is our fault, not theirs, because we choose how we react to them, and most times we are reacting to our past and not them at all!!!!

The person we're speaking to has no idea what's going on, and they have just been BLOWN UP! LOL

So how did these triggers get inside of us, and better yet how do we get rid of them? So I have compiled a little short list to help out with that. . ..

(1) Understand and Realize that you have them. . . .

(2) Start to evaluate why they are necessary, and if it doesn't protect your very life(physically, mentally,) you no longer need them.

3). Tell yourself you no longer need them, and DISMANTLE THEM. . .ONE BY ONE! 
(He is not you last boyfriend, don't give him grief because he made a similar statement, so what! He is a different person, give him the benefit of the doubt)

So from now on, realize that if someone is getting on your nerves, or they speak like someone you cant stand to be around, give them the benefit of the doubt, because after all, if its just words their speaking, what harm can they really bring?

Hope I didn't hit a trigger. .. .LOL

As always. . . love you guys from the inside out!

Inspirational Beauty!

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