Friday, January 25, 2013

 Come meet Jason k. Luntz. . . .Social Media Guru making it happen!  

By Inspirational Beauty

I am so excited to finally let you guys have a front row seat to my conversation with such an Interesting, and cool young man! His name is Jason Kyle Luntz, and he is a Journalist and a Social Media and Branding Expert!

 I wanted to feature him because he is  funny, humble, smart, successful, and believes in sharing information to help others. Recently I tried to live vicariously through him, while he was assigned to cover the INAUGURATION For PRESIDENT OBAMA(Pictures and video will be posted on our Blog at

 Ok. . .  I will tell you guys a little secret(smile), each interview has it’s own energy and vibe, and when I looked over what I was gonna present today, I did my usual , and I put on some music to help with the editing process, and after trying several tracks. . . .FINALLY it hit me. . . This guy is from “Up Top” so “Biggie” was the perfect lyricist to help me with this interview.

So Ladies and Gents, please allow me to introduce the guy with the BIG SMILE . . . . Jason, lets’ do this! LOL. . . . .

(Inspirational Beauty} So Jason. . . I am so honored that you accepted my request for an interview (smile) Jason I want you to know, it's been really cool getting to know you, so . . .who is Jason? (smile)

{Jason Luntz}Well Kim. . .I am basically a big kid.(smile). No seriously, I really enjoy life, and all it has to offer. People tend to think I am younger than I am, and I guess that’s because I do give off a youthful energy. That really comes from never forgetting the feeling of curiosity I had as a child. I really get off on learning new things. I guess that’s why I am so drawn to journalism and social media. Learning about people from interviews ,or covering stories, and of course from social networks excites me! I would say that is where my passion lies, in learning about people. 

{Inspirational Beauty} Cool(smile), now everyone who sees this interview will be able to see why I chose to Feature you. We are really similar. . .I am a “kid” at heart as well!(smile) So Jason. . . tell us about "The JLUNTZ Report". Also with you being a Journalist was this a natural progression for you?

{Jason Luntz}The Jluntzreport was a name a good friend of mine came up with many years ago.  So, when Myspace was really becoming a phenomenon, that’s where I got my writing career started . Remember that site? (laugh)

My homeboy said I should start blogging on my own site.( He called it Thejluntzreport) and it sounded really good. He even went as far to start a Wordpress site for me!

So, I didn’t start immediately, but fast-forward to my Masters in “New Media Journalism” at Full Sail ,I found myself assigned to develop my own blog. I was able to post various articles during my time in school. We were also told to create something that we could work on. “BRANDING”; So I remembered the idea for the jluntzreport, so it was natural for me to use the same name for twitter and facebook, etc.,  I then decided that it really worked with the kind of stories I wanted to cover. 

{Inspirational Beauty} So,tell me. . . how important is it for anyone who wants to compete in the Business World, to use Social Media?

{Jason Luntz}Wow. . .Social Media is the most powerful tool I believe business has ever had access too! Think about what it does, it is unlimited in travel and time. Let me explain what I mean. Before tv, radio, and even print papers you had the town “crier”. This man would shout the latest news in the town square. His voice could only travel so far, and if you were not in that immediate area at that exact time ,you were unaware of what he said. Newspapers can travel as far as the person who purchased it will allow, and the information is available as long as the paper is still in a good enough shape to read.

In theory how far will a paper travel? (smile) It will not go from Boston to Los Angeles. Even Radio and TV can be limited by the time programming it is on, and much of it can be local as well.
 Social Media no longer creates any boundaries. I can post a blog, and as long as I have that link, I can share it with the world over and over again!

 When I send out a Tweet, even if you miss  it on your own personal time line, it will always be stored on mine. This is very powerful, because your message is always available. It is great to push your services and products this way. I also love how social networks can help with your brand. You can use the same name for your website, twitter, facebook, pinterest, tumblr, etc. 

One other aspect I love about social media is that a company can perform great customer services in real time. If you have a problem, you can often tweet a company and someone will get back to you. 

{Inspirational Beauty} Jason, you have just made it very clear to me how important social media really is to a Business, a consumer, and anyone who wants to be recognized by the masses. Is it important for individuals to also Brand themselves, and if so, would "I" be a great candidate for your services?

{Jason Luntz} People in any type of business need to work on branding themselves! We all purchase Coke because the brand is known to us. This is possible in any field. “Oprah” is a brand for example. Branding allows you to branch outside of your initial product or service as well. Oprah has a magazine and a television network. If you are successful at developing a positive brand image, the sky is the limit! 

Kim, I think that you have a great opportunity to brand yourself. As a writer who focuses on people who are doing positive things, you are tapping into the motivational market.(smile) People need motivation at this time! We are still in a recession, and that energy seems to keep many people in down spirits. But you(Kim) have the chance to show folks that there are people who are chasing and living their dreams! 

(Inspirational Beauty} I see that you have recently acquired several prestigious  Awards and Degrees, I would love to congratulate you on that. That's a great thing Brother(smile). I know you are such a humble person, and I am putting you on the spot, but share with us what you have recently received.

{Jason Luntz}Thanks for those kind words Kim.(smile) I just received my Masters of Arts in New Media Journalism from Full Sail University.

I was also  selected as salutatorian in that program. The program was really exciting to be a part of, I mean words can not express how much I enjoyed it; but I will still try (laugh). The degree was based off of learning how to write in an online and multimedia format. We were taught how to create print, audio, and video stories. We also focused on social media and public relations and how those two worked along with journalism online. It was great because the future is the internet. 

The program lead me to creating my own social media consulting firm JKL Communications. We help organizations and individuals by teaching them how to use social networks, and by creating original content through print and video for their websites. I am most excitied about the work I do with The Tennessee Tribune, a Black owned newspaper out of Nashville, TN.  

{Inspirational beauty} Speaking of the Tennessee Tribune. . .I know that you are  Director of Social Media for them, and that is a very recognized periodical, and plays a very important role in the African American Community, how has Writing for the Paper influenced your life?

Working with The Tennessee Tribune is  an incredible experience. The owner and publisher Rosetta Miller-Perry, is a legend in Nashville. She has fought many battles in the civil rights movement, and now by owning a newspaper for over 20 years,  she has accomplished a way for people in the African-American community to get news that is important to them.

 It is funny you ask about how it influenced my life, because it really has! In the last six months, I have had the opportunity to meet people that it would have taken me a decade to meet, if ever! I also have  been blessed to have the opportunity to learn from someone who understands how important it is to take writing seriously. I could not have asked for a better experience. It has made me a better writer and a better person. 

(Inspirational Beauty} So. . . . a little "Birdie" shared with me that you would be covering "The Inauguration", and is this your first time covering an event on this scale, and how excited are you? (I'm so excited for you, I think I am living vicariously through you. . . LOL) 
{Jason Luntz}Who told you I was going? (laughs). It is crazy because I never covered anything of that size before. Most events I have written about were small, live music shows, and club venues. So going to the Inauguration on assignment was a great honor!(smiling) Now I just need to finish the article, because it is so much to write about (laughs)

Inspirational Beauty(We will revisit what you were able to see at the Inauguration. I’m not letting you off the hook that easy. . . .(smile)

{Inspirational Beauty} Jason,I cant help but notice that you belong to the same Fraternity as "Dr. MArtin Luther King" himself, what does it mean to be an Alpha Man?

{Jason Luntz}Being a member of Alpha Phi Alpha is a huge honor. I think it is most important to remember that when you are in an organization such as Alpha Phi Alpha that your actions reflect others as well. You are always known as “Jason The Alpha”, but that is a good thing. (LOL)

It reminds me that I must live by a certain level of standards. It also keeps me humble, because we are called to perform service to our community. I try to remember that with each success in life, giving back is the most important thing. 

{Inspirational Beauty}I thank you so much for sharing yourself , your time, and expertise with us. if there is anything you can tell young Men and Women about reaching their goals, what advice would you give them?

My main piece of advice is READ! Read all the time. What ever industry or career you are into, get books on that subject. I think reading one book a month at the very least is important to success. Also be yourself, don't let people tell you that the way you think or act is wrong. Set trends and lead the way! 

{Inspirational Beauty}I certainly appreciate that advice Jason, because that is the whole point of Inspirational Beauty. I believe in being "YOU", and accepting all of "YOU".(smile) Last but not least ,Mr. Luntz, what currently is playing in your cd changer, ipod, iphone?

{Jason Luntz} Ok Kim. . .(Laughing) I've been rocking that new Nas album "Life is Good". I am telling you, that your man has hip hop on his shoulders, it is a real dope album! I also still got the "Watch The Throne" with Kanye and Hov going too.

I will tell you what I have been doing lately as well. I’ve been listening to a lot of motivation too. Jim Rohn is one person who I listen to every day, either in my car or at the crib. Youtube him, I recommend that to anyone. 

{Inspirational Beauty}Cool Hun! I also listen to a lot  of Motivational Speakers, and to piggyback, Jim Rohn is amazing. . . Jason, I wanna Thank you so much, you have been awesome!(smile) I look forward to working with you more in the future on some big things. Please let everyone know where we can find you.

{Jason Luntz}You can visit my website to check out articles I have written in the past or to get prices on the social media campaigns I can build. Also Twitter is @thejluntzreport for business and @jluntz1906 for fun. Facebook 

Kim,Thanks for having me today, I love reading your interviews so I can't believe I am in one!(smile) You are doing your thing out here, and I love to see your progress. Thanks for this great opportunity again! 

{Inspirational Beauty) Once again sweetie, it’s been my pleasure. I hope you all enjoyed Jason as much as I have. He’s a great guy, and I wish him nothing but success. Also guys, I love the continued support  that you show for Inspirational Beauty. . . you can see follow us here, as well as on our Blog at 

As always. . .love you guys from the inside out. . . .

Team I Beauty!