Thursday, January 31, 2013

GM Luv's!

Happy Tuesday folks! Today I wanna have a conversation with you about "MOTIVATION"... . . what motivates or inspires you? Do you even know?(smile)

Ok. . . let me put it like this. . .WHAT MAKES "YOU" DO WHAT YOU DO? Good. . .bad. . .indifferent. 

Well, when I was a "Broker" in my Professional Career, I was always told that the only two motivator's for Investor's were. . .
(1) Fear(that they would miss out on making money)


(2) Greed(it was never enough, so appeal to the greed within)

So, I was taught to always "sell" based on those two(Sorry guys, thats the way all investments are usually sold. .. :-)

Do you think thats somewhat true in our own personal lives as well? Do we do things out of FEAR AND GREED?

I think we should examine this closely. This is an exercise, that we all can take part in.

When you have some available time, write on one side of a piece of paper. . .GOALS.

On the other side, put why you want it, and what inspires you to have it, and then be real, and PUT THE REAL MOTIVATOR!!!!

I will be honest, we all want and need to make MONEY, thats why we work, of course some of us enjoy what we do, but we still want and NEED to get paid. . . .WHY? 

Well, I would say one of the underlying factors would be, we want to have the life we've chosen for ourselves, but more importantly, we do not want to LOSE WHERE WE ARE AND WHAT WE "CURRENTLY" HAVE. . . .we are "FEARFUL" that if we lose our job, we could loose our comforts we currently enjoy, even worse, our home, our cars, our stability. . . . So FEAR drives a lot of what we do, the only thing is that when we are driven by that component, we are never really FREE!

When you are driven by FEAR, you live in a constant state of Anxiety, and you feel like you can explode at any time!

It is harder to take risks! It is harder to live with reckless abandon, it is harder to find the perfect career, or perfect job, or perfect mate...... FEAR IS A MOTIVATOR.. .BUT IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE. . . .I suggest we all start using FAITH as our new MOTIVATION!

Faith is just the other side of FEAR. . . . .If you can believe in loss. . . you certainly can believe in PROSPERITY. . . .you certainly have demonstrated the capacity to , for if you can believe in anything, the brain doesn't care if its a negative belief or a positive one. Its just waiting for you to instruct it!

So tomorrow when you start your day, look at what and who you really want in ife, and BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN HAVE IT.

As always. . . . .Love you guys from the inside out!


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