Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We have a real Treat. . . come meet Tahira!


By: Inspirational Beauty!

I am overjoyed to share such a Beautiful young Lady with you guys today. She has so many layers, and we're just gonna peel away today.(smile) Her name is Ms Tahira West-Sylvester, and she is the Owner and Creator of "Pure Peace Life Coaching". Yes. . .she is a Life Coach, and I must admit, I didn't really realize what that truly entailed. As I was getting to know her, and what she does, I automactically knew that I NEEDED HER FOR MYSELF!

So you're probably asking.  ."WHAT DOES A LIFE COACH DO?" Well to put it simply, the objective is to help you identify the obstacles that hinder you from accomplishing the things that will make your life balanced and successful. TRUST ME, ITS WORK! BUT IT IS WORTH IT!

(LOL). . .  REAL TALK. So I figure, that maybe you all could see the value . I challenge you to get to know this Woman. She is amazinly insightful, and can see things in us, and help us get on track, and STAY ON TRACK. ... so help me welcome MS. Tahira!(smile) 

(Inspirational Beauty}Ms. Tahira West-Sylvester. . .Thank you so much for agreeing to sit down with me today. Can I just tell you how amazing I think you are(smile). So let's get started. . . . Everyone, Tahira is the Owner and Creator of  "Pure Peace Life Coaching", So, Tahira(smile), tell us how you got started, and what influenced you to be a Life Coach?

{Tahira}Hi Beautiful Kim!!!!! Thanks so much for having me. I feel like I've been Life Coaching for my entire life. I am that friend that folks come to to talk, share, chat and ask for sound advice(smile). I was also a Teacher and with my students, I felt so connected to them beyond the classroom. I really wanted to be sure they had the skills to thrive in the world and not just the classroom. In 2010 I lost my job when I was three months pregnant, and to me that was a great omen. It's like it was God saying "Start!" The next day I took care of all the paperwork and business for my company and PPLC was formed!!!  Almost three years later and here we are.(smile)  

{inspirational beauty} That is amazing Tahira. .. . .you took a situation that some of us would allow to devastate us, what gave you the strength to make such a major move and want to help others?

{Tahira}My strength and guidance was knowing that I had gifts, to help the planet, to heal  the soul. Being at home with my daughter was another major reason! I didn't want my daughter to be with a sitter all day, while I taught someone else's kids. Nope!(Blushing) I am her first line of defense ,and I intend to teach her all that I can. The strength was in me already. Knowing that I'm really adept at helping people find their inner light, and potential really moves me. I figure I should do that on a large scale through PPLC. 

{Inspirational beauty} You are proving something so wonderful to all of us honey. .. Ok, can I just say you have the cutest little girl in the whole wide world. . . .LOL. Can you tell us how  being a Mother to a little girl inspires you?

{Tahira} Jendayi Laila is such an incredible human being!(smiling proudly) She's brilliant, sassy, strong, deliberate, focused, sweet and sooooooooo Scorpio.(LOL) She's such an incredible person to have only been here two years and change. She inspires me to make the world better for her. I'm very active in civil rights for everyone(mainly because of Jendayi). Active vocally, so I will speak up if I hear someone "slut shaming" which is basically bashing a woman for her sexual choices. I'll speak up for gay rights and out against any homophobia because I believe people should be left alone to be who they are. I think about my child through any of these battles, because I don't want anyone to miss out on the incredible gift she is, because they have boxed her into  a "Box" or whatever stigmas people have. I am here to  really help people find their inner God(dess) so they don't have to worry about breaking someone else down! Hopefully by the time my daughter is a grown up, the world will be a lot better and more cohesive. 

{inspirational beauty} Jenadayi is such a lucky litle girl to have such a wonderful Mother, who understands who she is at such an  early age. Tahira. . .girl.. .  I must admit, that when we spoke, I felt so connected to you. Our connection was immediate, and even though I was interviewing you, I knew that we would build a friendship. Do believe that because you are so open(personable and genuine) that helps contribute to your success?

{Tahira) Ha ha! Yes girl. . . you were my instant sistar!!!!! But yes, people often tell me that they feel like they know me. I have a free conference call every Monday night. (605) 475-6230 code:246810# and when people hear me talking they always comment on how laid back and relatable I am.(LOL)
It does put them at ease.  I'm also very very silly. . . and I know humor is always a good ice breaker. So being myself has been working out for me just fine. I'm very laid back and informal. I mean, lets be serious, people just care about how you make them feel! I know how to make someone comfortable, simply by connecting with them on a real level.

{Inspirational Beauty} I read so many of your post, you give the most wise advice girl. .. . I would love for you to share some of that wisdom  with our readers today. Can you please help us understand why it is so important to focus on yourself, and "Your" life's journey first, before focusing on anyone else?

{Tahira}Well, there's no one out there, it's just a bunch of people who are reflections of you in some capacity.(smile). I always hear folks say that they wish someone would come fix this, or someone should call and complain, or this should be dealt with.I always wonder who they think is gonna come!(LOL) You are at the source of your own life, and "YOU" are the author and creator of how things are going to go. So, before you try to fix your partner or even get a partner, fix yourself. Figure out what is inauthentic and out of integrity for you. What things  are ou doing because you're scared? What habits have you formed that came from a fear based place? What patterns have you developed that no longer serve you as an adult? What are your defense mechanisms? Why do you have them? Who are you protecting yourself from? Chances are,most of your breakdowns are from a fear and past based existence. You're reacting to the past, but you think things are current, not realizing you're a big wall of fear. Figure yourself out. Unpack that baggage. Get to the source of your "messy ways" and heal thyself! 


{Inspirational Beauty}Ok. . .Tahira. . . how easy is it to start  the process of getting you as a LIFE COACH? How do we contact you?

Tahira} Hey. .so working with me is so easy.  I do have a websitewww.purepeacelifecoaching.com where you can find the list of services that I offer, FAQs, and my bio. If at any time you have a question about a service or you want me to create something for you I can. All of my coaching  packages are custom made. I have conversations with all of my potential clients before any agreements are signed because we should be compatible and they should be clear about what I do and what i offer before they invest their money in me. : )

{Inspirational Beauty}Now Tahira, tell us 3 things that most people would be surprised if they knew about you. . . .(smile)

{Tahira}Hmmmm.....if I was not a Life Coach I'd probably be a really tough attorney!(LOL). Yeah, I like to argue and debate, I stop at nothing until I feel like I've completely massacred your argument. Ha ha!  

 Secondly. . . .I'm a huge nerd.(really, I am) I really like Jeopardy, all things math and science. I'm very big on research and just anything academic. I really love to learn. Word games are my favorite. Scrabble is my favorite...you don't want it with me, or you better bring it. . . Lol. 

 And thirdly. . .I would LOVE to be on the cover of several magazines; Forbes, Black Enterprise and  Essence to name a few. 


{Inspirational Beauty} Wow. . . .that was GREAT!  I bet we will see you on those covers one day and a lot more. (smile)Ms. Tahira, in your beautiful way of expression. could you please leave our reader's with an inspiring word of encouragement?

{Tahira} Be yourself. Really be yourself without the fear you have built over the years."BE YOU"by telling the truth about yourself! "BE YOU" by being real about who you are without holding back. Don't ever hide yourself, or pretend to be anything  you're not.. Tell the truth about your short comings, obstacles, breakdowns and just be real about who you are. You'll see who loves you for you and those who love you for who you they think you are. 

{Inspirational Beauty} As usual, you never fail me. . .I am a believer,(LOL) and yes guys... I am going to be working with this young Lady in search of a more balanced life as well(smile). Tahira, where can everyone find you?(contacts, fb, twitter, all social media)  

{ Tahira} You can find me here. . . .Thanks so much for havng me. I am so excited to work with you. Talk to ya soon Kim.

Phone: 201-500-7146
Email: PurePeaceLC@gmail.com
YouTube: PurePeaceLifeCoachin

{Inspirational Beauty} Once again, I want to Thank you for sharing your time, expertise, and wonderful spirit with us. It has been a joy, and I can't wait to continue getting to know you!

 As always guys. . . . Thanks for supporting Inspirational Beauty!


I. Beauty
follow us  on twitter @inspirebeauty40


  1. I think life coaching is such a great career. I can see more people needing this service.
