Saturday, January 12, 2013


By Inspirational Beauty!

  Just sitting here listening to Smokie Norful, and I am so in awe of his gift! The words that he shares in "LORD I THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE" dances with my spirit. It's like a dance that was choreographed, that's how at ease I feel when I listen  to this "Love Song" to God .

Today , I was feeling a little down, thinking about some things that hurt me in the past, and anyone who knows me, understands I can't stay in that place to long.

So I immediately knew I had to start thinking about all the wonderful things in my life, and as I started to reminisce , the hair on my neck began to stand, and the anxious feeling I had, was replaced with a state of calm. You see, when I am down, God reminds me that there is someone who is worse off, and that he has given me a gift, and he needs me to remember who HE IS! He reminded me that in my hurt, and my pain,  I am to obey him, and help someone who needs to know they are loved.

He continuously reminds me that in order to get my mind on HIM, I need to get my mind off of ME!(Thank you Lord ) I get so caught up in my  own worries, and my own life that I forget that this is not about me. . .

As I use my gift to help remind you guys of who you are in Him, I have to constantly remind myself as well!(smile) Yes . . .I am "Inspirational Beauty", but I am just like you. I have hurts, pains, failures, and a past, but THANK GOD HE FORGIVES! We are justified. . . .  His Blood is Sufficient enough. I hope this speaks life into your hearts this evening. What ever religion you practice, please know that God is bigger than where we serve on Sundays, he's bigger than our Ideology, our dogma, and our Doctrine.

He loves us beyond the HEAVENS. What a wonderful God we serve! A God who chose us for himself.  I want to Thank you all for letting me Praise him here as I write. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt how his GRACE has kept me. and he will continue to keep you. HE LOVES YOU  and I LOVE YOU TOO!

As always. .. .Love you guys. . . . from the inside out!

Inspirational Beauty!