Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

I am happy once again to have a conversation with you all. Today I listened to a message(T.D.Jakes) about receiving a blessing given TOO SOON!

You know, we never really think about getting something too early, but lets take a look at this.

We see this through the story of THE PRODIGAL SON. We see that he receives his blessings too soon, and we see real soon, that he didn't know what to do with the very thing that was meant for his good, and it did more harm than good!

He squandered his blessings, because he was not prepared! . .
When we are waiting on things to materialize and it takes longer than expected, it is "Not" because we don't deserve them, maybe it's because we are NOT QUITE READY YET!

So many of us, think that God should bless us with our Soul Mate, but. . . have you ever wondered that maybe you need more" PATIENCE", so when he/she comes you know how to deal with him or her, and you won't run them away?

Have you ever thought that you need to get your finances together, your attitude, your maturity, and your way of thinking together?. . . .See it makes no sense to get something before it's time,because you will not be able to HANDLE THE BLESSING!

So whatever we are praying for, whether we want or need it, and it doesn't seem to come, just prepare yourself first, and get ready, because its in the GETTING READY. . .that the very thing you need will show up.

Learn to be happy during our wait. Change, or do whatever you need to do, if that means getting your health in order, your kids in order, your education in order, then do that!

It is been said that there is nothing more aggrivating than being a VISIONARY!

Because you are stuck in between what you see in your mind, and what actually is. . . . .I know that frustration very well, and sometimes it's a burden.

But I know that time and eternity will eventually collide, and the blessings will come forth. I pray that you receive this message with love, and know that I am cheering for you, and you will get everything you desire if you stay on course, and do it with a joyful heart as you wait!
" AS always. . . . .
I. Beauty!

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