Sunday, January 13, 2013


Hello Luv's!

  There is nobody Greater that the Creator himself. . . . No matter how high or low you think you are, you are in hand's reach of the MASTER! God has truly used his INSPIRATION to give such beautiful words to these two gentlemen!

 I cannot describe the feeling I get when I listen to them(I have listened over 25 times. . .smile). 'Aint it good to know that there is someone to trust in, and his word is INFALLIBLE. Even if you are unsure of his existence, he understands, he gave us all free will, but because he made you, he knows what route you have to take, and it may take some time, but believe me, you will meet him one day!

But while we are here, he promises that he will never forsake us, or never leave us. I am so glad that we have someone on our side that loves us that much.

He asks that WE PROVE HIM, where our life is concerned. Our Human existence is so precious to him, and we need to take care of ourselves, for we are on borrowed time, and we  never know when time is up. . . . So let's make the best out of the time that we have. . . . We are truly Blessed to have this opportunity to connect with one another. It is by The Grace of God, that we are still here.

A lot of us should have been dead and gone. . . .but he kept us, he has something big in store for you and I. . .  Understand that he is the GREAT I AM. . . .and there is no one before or behind him. . . . He is the first and the Last, the Beginning and the End. . . .Please understand that he does not exist because of us... .  .we exist because of him, and FOR HIM! I hope this gives you hope. . . .  

In God's arm's is the safest place to be. and when no one else is there to comfort you, or listen to you. . .he will!

Trust that he will direct your path, he intends and desires the best for you.Our God absolutely ADORES YOU! When you get tired of searching, please try him, he will ease your mind, and comfort your soul. NO ONE GREATER!!!

As always. . . .  Love you guys form the inside out. . . .

Inspirational Beauty!

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