Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What does "Sex" mean to you?

By Inspirational Beauty

Well hello Ladies and Gents!

 I am so excited to take a moment today to share my thoughts and insights with you about a topic that we ALL think about(some more than others) but rarely feel comfortable speaking about. My main reason for addressing such a "Hot" topic is not to start a WAR OF THE SEXES, but to actually provide some much needed understanding between the two.

Now you may ask, what makes you the expert on SEX? Well. . . .I am not an expert on sex(smile), but I do provide a very unique perspective on it. Let me explain: For 5 years, I was A "Commodities Broker, trading gold, gasoline, and heating oil on the Us Exchange. I was the ONLY FEMALE BROKER(for this firm) in a sea of Men. I was working side by side with them, day in and day out for FIVE YEAS.....No Women(Only secretaries, and ladies providing support roles). It was "LIVE" and in color,  and it was overwhelming, intimidating, and sometimes LOCKER ROOMISH"LOL. . . .

But, when I look back on that time, the experience I gained was freaking priceless. ..  .I was one of the few. . . .The last of the Mohegans. . . . .I was able to see "Men" in their environment, not being censored, not pretending, not afraid to lose affections from anyone by being honest, not apologizing for simply being MEN!

 I SAW THE TRUTH! So. .  Ladies. . . I got a chance to get into the head of "MEN", and they enjoyed sharing with me. At first I was like these men are crazy, but over time, I realized that Men are simple in their approach to everything, and sex is no different. On a lighter note. Men do have feelings, and they do love, and they do respect women.(smile) So I'm gonna be able to share some "TRUTHS" with you ladies. . . .

   The word "Sex" by definition is described as a male or female based on our reproductive organs, or to arouse one intophysical intercourse. Well alrighty then. . . .LOL!

Now that we have that out the way lets' talk a little bit about how we view this act. Now I am from a small town in the South, and was raised Baptist, and  had Educator's for Parents, so I grew up like a lot of you(maybe not all of you), believing that "Sex" is meant to be between a Wife and a Husband, and this idea was basically taught to me from a Religious or Spiritual perspective. I valued and appreciated this belief, because it provided me with a set of Standards, and I wasn't told I was going to Hell if I departed from these teachings, so I never had anxiety about SEX like people I have met over the years.

I now know that your childhood, or teenage years formed your first impression about sex, and how it would be used in your life. Most Males were taught that it is a right of passage, while most of us females were told "SAVE YOURSELF" . Well some of us did, and some of us didn't! How did that effect us later, when we decided to have other partners, or how we even looked at picking our Mate?

Ok. . .Ladies. Men have it easier, let's be frank! They are expected to conquer, and to date, and sleep with different women until they have chosen that one, but have you ever wondered why. Ladies,"Men" are wired differently from us, and before you shut down, please listen. Men and Women both have"Natures", meaning how we are naturally wired, this has nothing to do with education, status, economics, society, or anything else outside of ourselves. Men's "Nature"  is FIRST SEXUAL. . . .period, end of story.(Men have evolved ladies, so they don't run around with their privates out), and Women 's "Nature" IS FIRST EMOTIONAL. . ..period , end of story(That doesn't mean that females dont want intimacy guys). Let me give an example. . .  .

Very simply. . . .Men if you want to get close to a woman you need to LISTEN to her FIRST, and then she will open up sexually!

Very simply. . . .Women, if you want to get close to your man  you need to be INTIMATE with him FIRST, and then he will listen(smile)

Let me put a disclaimer on this, I suggest this between folks who have a mutual relationship with one another. You are appealing to each other's Nature to have a free flowing relationship, and that is the start to effective communication. Ladies sometimes when you keep asking"WHAT"S WRONG . . ..WHY WON"T YOU TALK TO ME?' Just walk over, and touch him, massage him, and he will open up, soon, real soon. . . .(You are appealing to his NATURE)

Men, when your woman needs to talk, do not try to get her in Bed!!! NOOOOOOO, ASk Her "Baby WHAT'S WRONG? and listen. . . she will be more open to being intimate, and. . . .yes "SEX".

It is very simple. . . Ladies. . talk less, touch more.

Men. . . .Listen more, and then wait on it. .. .BAM, she'll be responsive.

So this is just an icebreaker on what I have learned, and I hope you found it fun, different, and try it out. It works. . .trust me..  . .You guys leave comments, questions, responses.

I cant wait to hear  from you. . . . .As always. . ..Love you from the inside out!
Inspirational Beauty

1 comment:

  1. Right on point, nothing wrong with that and its the honest truth about male/female relationship. Key word hear communicate with our eyes,ears and body. Keep it coming Kim!
