Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Come meet this Innovator! Amy Ward… Creative mind behind Pages of Vision

Come meet this Innovator! Amy Ward… Creative mind behind Pages of Vision

By Inspirational Beauty

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing the wonderfully talented and beautiful, Ms. Amy Ward, the creator and visionary behind Pages of Vision. She is here to not only share with us what Pages of Vision is, but why she was inspired to help others so much. She is truly someone to be admired; not because what she has already done, but simply because who she is.

We spiritually connected on a higher level during this interview and that doesn’t always happen. Many times you find out tons of information about a person during an interview but rarely do you connect. I could really see her; I knew what she meant and it was a complete joy. When you can meet someone that is so transparent as Amy it can change your outlook on many things. An outlook that I really must share with my readers, not because she is someone I connect with because she has a story to be told. One that could help someone else down the road. That is what this is really all about… helping right?

So get ready for this fantastic ride because I am about to introduce to you a person with a vision. [Smiling]

[Inspirational Beauty] Amy. How are you darling? [Smile] Tell us what have you been up to and a little about your creation, Pages Of Vision!

[Amy Ward] Hey chicka, thank you so much Kim for reaching out. I'm about to get my Miss America wave on [Laughs]… this my Red Carpet moment [Continues laughing]. I am so blessed I can't believe it myself sometimes. This year has been so busy with Pages Of Visionand my own personal spiritual growth. It’s just been so much going on this year. 

[Pages of Vision] At first I just wanted to inspire and motivate people. Get them to claim their spot in their respective fields. I think initially all my family and friends just supported because of our personal relationships but something was still missing in the equation. It was like I just couldn't connect with an audience. I wasn’t getting my message across. Something was missing. It wasn’t until my own personal journey that involved a lot of prayer and tears that this girl stepped out of her own way. I really started letting God do His thing. It was then that I could see a clear vision for what I wanted with Pages of Vision. Now I won't say that I wasn't still worried, but when things started to move.

I knew it wasn't because of me but I also knew that anything I wanted I could have. In my heart I’ve always believed that any person could accomplish anything they wanted to do or be. I was taught that growing up so it was something in my DNA early on. The only problem or roadblock was I just didn’t believe it enough for myself. Like it was good enough to be true for everyone else, yet not good enough to be true for me. You know believing is half the battle; the other half is your own mind’s thinking. So I wanted to correct that. Create something that gave people hope and belief that they could do anything they set their minds to. I started to see how wrong I was, that these same good things could happen for me. It wasn’t just taking off in others people’s lives anymore it was now happening in my own life.

The more and more things started to happen the more I realized I could have the same as everyone else. It sometimes takes moments in our own lives to see our destiny. Where God really plans for us to be. Thanks when Pages of Vision really took off. People started posting on my page more, asking for my help and including me in all sorts of projects. The only thing I wasn’t really clear on was what I really wanted to focus on when it came toPages of Vision.

I was posting any and everything. I initially started a blog instantly, hadn’t really thought anything though. I just jumped right in. It’s like that for a lot of people. We dive in without a plan and that is where 99% of us will fail. I had a good idea just didn’t do the planning that goes with it. Everything in life comes with a plan. You build a house there are plans. I was so happy with what I wanted to do that I was just rushing to do something. I didn’t know how to promote it, I was blogging and my entries were far and few in between. I was forunated to be in a group on Facebook that I was put in contact with Andre Jacob. He’s become like an unofficial mentor to me. Helping me organize my thoughts and business ideas. I have to laugh out loud when I hear myself using words like my business in a sentence, I still can’t believe it at times. [Rewarding smile] The good things I was not too proud to ask for help and that is when Andre helped me reign in on certain ideas and categorize what I really wanted to do. He was good at showing me how things should works, the best ways of implementing them to make sure they worked but most importantly how to plan and sticking to that blueprint. 

I was able to construct his suggestions and ideas into my own and draw up my own blueprints for Pages of Vision. It was then that I knew what a real gem I had for my business. It’s those dreams and ideas that allow me to give and help others so freely. So now my mission is to help other set in place a foundation and planning to achieve their own goals, either spiritually, personally or through their business. It all can be done and that is what Pages of Vision is out to assist with. Help those with visions.

[Inspirational Beauty] I tell you Amy, there was so much positive energy when we were speaking [Smiling]. I enjoyed talking with you it was like we really got to know one another. Goes back to connecting. Your personality is so engaging and you have that giving spirit. Knowing that your grandmother and mother were your greatest influences in your life please tell us how those relationships influenced who you are in life.

[Amy Ward] Oh wow Kim; you really are scoring some major points with my family for asking that [Laughing].

My grandmother and mom along with several other family members have always been active in my life. My grandmother, Martha Satterfield was quite for the most part. Not quiet in a sense that she did not take an active role in my life but quiet literally.  When she had something to say that sista didn't hold anything back and I mean nothing. I used to wonder why my grandma seemed so light and playful with my cousins when we were kids but when I was around her she was always teaching me life skills. I was like, dang grandma I wanna play but she would have me writing out checks for her bills and what not. Lesson number one; learn how to survive. Paying bills on time is a must. Subtle lessons and messages that carried a lot of weigh later in life. She spent a lot of time talking to me, teaching… and sometimes when she didn't speak it was louder than her physical words. You know how it was back in the day; when an adult could give you a certain look and you knew you had better sit down [Laughing]. That was my grandma.

 My mommie, Gwen Satterfield is not to far from different. She saw something in me early on that I hadn't seen in myself until recently.  She gave our family a strength that keeps us bonded even when we were far away from each other.

My mom, Oh Lord girl I don't know where to start [Laughing]. First and foremost she gave me Jesus. It definitely doesn't get much better than that. She’s absolutely my loudest, biggest and most supportive cheerleader. She taught me how powerful words can be and has always encouraged my writing.

I can honestly say that my mom and I have been through some things; some really hard things. I'm the older of two girls and she was a single mom, I honestly don't know a stronger woman. She had to be because I started smelling myself early in life. It’s what we would refer too as getting besides one’s self.  But Renee [that's what our family and friends call my mother] wasn’t having none of it. She played no games with us. When we got lippyor said what our friends’ parents allowed them to say she would tells us, "If you think you can go outside and have it better out there than you can have it here… and since you are my child I want to see you happy. I love you so by all means go for it." She understood what it meant to raise us the right way. A real parent something that has fallen to the wayside in these times. She was the epitome of class and very business minded through it all. Every laugh from her came with tears [Laughs]. She literally laughs so hard at times that she had tears coming down from her eyes because according to her, "Life should be filled with happy tears." I have gained so much more respect for her now that I am an adult. Not that I didn't have it before, but it’s just you don’t appreciate the little things or notice them until you have grown a little. She wasn't taking anything less [respect], but now I'm raising my own kids and I'm like lawd I owe that woman a million apologies and thank you(s) for not killing my tail. [Chuckling] I always say sometimes you have to get it to get it! Meaning, sometimes you just have to go through it to understand it and now being a single mother I get it because child, my kids have tried to give it to me. [Laughing] It's not easy and itdoesn't come with a manual. Parents as a whole try do their absolute best for the most part. You are not going to get every single thing right but you can absolutely try your best. I saw that in my mom and she did a fine job at it.

She has been the driving force to keep me moving when I’ve just wanted to give up. Ever so stressing how important it is to accept support when it's offered. Genuine support, unconditional support because not all support is good support. Some people who try to support you are better off not. You know like that support from cousin Ray Ray we all have, “Please, please Ray Ray back up… just back up!" Genuine support can be felt and although it may not be the type of support you want because you are looking for more, you learn it’s sometimes the best because it’s what they actually can give or only can give. I had to learn we couldn’t always get the type of support we want. Not everyone has money flowing out his or her pockets or willing to give it. But I’ve learned that encouragement can go a long way at times. Don’t let your pride get in the way of taking support from genuine people that are just looking to help you succeed in life. My mommie taught me that!

[Inspirational Beauty] Having these wonderful ladies in your life has made you such a powerful young woman. I know that you are an entrepreneur, an author, and now I can add film director and producer to the list as well. [Smile] I’m so interested in your current projects, your books, and of course your films. Can you tell us anything about those projects, where we can find then and when we can expect to see them?

[Amy Ward] Wow, that sounds like a lot when you say it like that. 2013 is going to be such an exciting year for me personal and for Pages Of Vision. We are officially launching our blog in January and I am so excited about that. I originally had began a blog but soon understood I wasn't ready or prepared when I launched that. I was definitely putting forth my mess not my best. I had Pages of Vision all over the place and I was just all up in my own way. So I took a minute to pray, think, getting needed advice and from there to regroup.  Now I know I’m are ready. The blog will carry the same name and be titled Pages Of Vision. My team and myself will spend more time focusing on what I like to callAspiration Claimers. This is where we try to unite people who offering great products and services and want to claim their spot in success. They know what they want and are going after it. No ifs, ands, or buts just doing it. With our help I am sure we will have plenty of success stories to report back with. I have met many wonderful people who are really out here doing some really positive things. These are hard working people that have also influenced our soon to be released documentary, tentatively titled No Ordinary Prenuer. The film is a documentary about single mothers who work nine to five jobs or multiple jobs in some cases but still going after the things they aspire to have.

A lot of these women have suffered a lot in relationships; some have struggled with addictions and or have had to take five steps back to get six steps ahead. But the one thing I have to stress is they all have never stopped striving for what they have believed in or wanted. Their common goal is their will to succeed. Now that’s some strength. You know this diva is going to have to invest in some Kleenex, especially from all the happy and sad tears we have on the set. I have been verbally thanking God for placing them in my life and using me as His vessel to get their story out there. I really hope that teenagers and adults; not just women and girls but men and boys will be able to look at the movie and say, "Man if they went through all that and they accomplished all that, I know I can make it." You know the, I can do it theme. You are so right Kim when you say we have to offer our kids some options. The way it’s going now, these kids got a diva scared. Can you imagine in 2020 Weezy and Nikki in the white house? Or worse, cities with more prisons then communities and parents have dropped the ball. Uncle Sam and Big Brother are preparing for our kids to fail. People are just not investing in our children anymore. Parenting is not what it used to be so my mission is to get that back on track. We can’t keep dropping the baton and think we are going to come out OK in the end. That's where we are headed if we don't show them something other than the nonsense they are subject to from corporate media. So I’m hoping to offer some options and hopefully give something back to the entrepreneurs in the film. But you are just going to have to watch the movie to get all that info. [Coy smile] You know a diva has to keep some of it a surprise [Laughs].

My book, A Woman in the Making has a running theme that ties right into the general overall message of the documentary and blog. We are hoping the release to be early spring of 2013. The book synopsis outlines a teenage girl growing up in Chicago, who deals with a lot of family betrayals, which leaves her confused and feeling all alone. My main character, Vision tells her life story to the readers while she sheds light on the exposure of family secrets can rip a family completely apart.  While highlighting how she is thrust into the responsibilities of an adult before she is truly ready. My goal was to capture the voice of teenager dealing with divorce, molestation, trust issues, and betrayal. I fine we often hear adults and professionals express how life altering these events can affect a child, well withA Woman in the Making I wanted to allow people to get it from the horse’s mouth, sort of speak. Let the child speak. To allow the child to show and tell us how they really feel. I am hoping by this it will allow more parents and children to connect. Communicate. Bring back that traditional bond that as been absence for so many decades now.

I want to say 2013 is the year of Pages of Vision, honey and we claiming that thing cuz, Hesaid so! [Both laughing]

[Inspirational Beauty] Well guys, we are gonna come to you tomorrow with part two of our conversation. This lady has a lot more to say and we need to be able to hear every word. To be so young; she has so much experience in life. Ups and downs and I am so impressed with her.  How she continues to take care of her family, herself, and most of all HER DREAMS… Amy you doing it baby!

Come back tomorrow and learn how she juggles it all. How her FAITH KEEPS her, and what her favorite makeup items are. [Smile]

As always guys… Love you from the inside out.

Inspiratitional Beauty!
By Inspirational Beauty

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing the wonderfully talented and beautiful, Ms. Amy Ward, the creator and visionary behind Pages of Vision. She is here to not only share with us what Pages of Vision is, but why she was inspired to help others so much. She is truly someone to be admired; not because what she has already done, but simply because who she is.

We spiritually connected on a higher level during this interview and that doesn’t always happen. Many times you find out tons of information about a person during an interview but rarely do you connect. I could really see her; I knew what she meant and it was a complete joy. When you can meet someone that is so transparent as Amy it can change your outlook on many things. An outlook that I really must share with my readers, not because she is someone I connect with because she has a story to be told. One that could help someone else down the road. That is what this is really all about… helping right?

So get ready for this fantastic ride because I am about to introduce to you a person with a vision. [Smiling]

[Inspirational Beauty] Amy. How are you darling? [Smile] Tell us what have you been up to and a little about your creation, Pages Of Vision!

[Amy Ward] Hey chicka, thank you so much Kim for reaching out. I'm about to get my Miss America wave on [Laughs]… this my Red Carpet moment [Continues laughing]. I am so blessed I can't believe it myself sometimes. This year has been so busy with Pages Of Visionand my own personal spiritual growth. It’s just been so much going on this year. 

[Pages of Vision] At first I just wanted to inspire and motivate people. Get them to claim their spot in their respective fields. I think initially all my family and friends just supported because of our personal relationships but something was still missing in the equation. It was like I just couldn't connect with an audience. I wasn’t getting my message across. Something was missing. It wasn’t until my own personal journey that involved a lot of prayer and tears that this girl stepped out of her own way. I really started letting God do His thing. It was then that I could see a clear vision for what I wanted with Pages of Vision. Now I won't say that I wasn't still worried, but when things started to move.

I knew it wasn't because of me but I also knew that anything I wanted I could have. In my heart I’ve always believed that any person could accomplish anything they wanted to do or be. I was taught that growing up so it was something in my DNA early on. The only problem or roadblock was I just didn’t believe it enough for myself. Like it was good enough to be true for everyone else, yet not good enough to be true for me. You know believing is half the battle; the other half is your own mind’s thinking. So I wanted to correct that. Create something that gave people hope and belief that they could do anything they set their minds to. I started to see how wrong I was, that these same good things could happen for me. It wasn’t just taking off in others people’s lives anymore it was now happening in my own life.

The more and more things started to happen the more I realized I could have the same as everyone else. It sometimes takes moments in our own lives to see our destiny. Where God really plans for us to be. Thanks when Pages of Vision really took off. People started posting on my page more, asking for my help and including me in all sorts of projects. The only thing I wasn’t really clear on was what I really wanted to focus on when it came toPages of Vision.

I was posting any and everything. I initially started a blog instantly, hadn’t really thought anything though. I just jumped right in. It’s like that for a lot of people. We dive in without a plan and that is where 99% of us will fail. I had a good idea just didn’t do the planning that goes with it. Everything in life comes with a plan. You build a house there are plans. I was so happy with what I wanted to do that I was just rushing to do something. I didn’t know how to promote it, I was blogging and my entries were far and few in between. I was forunated to be in a group on Facebook that I was put in contact with Andre Jacob. He’s become like an unofficial mentor to me. Helping me organize my thoughts and business ideas. I have to laugh out loud when I hear myself using words like my business in a sentence, I still can’t believe it at times. [Rewarding smile] The good things I was not too proud to ask for help and that is when Andre helped me reign in on certain ideas and categorize what I really wanted to do. He was good at showing me how things should works, the best ways of implementing them to make sure they worked but most importantly how to plan and sticking to that blueprint. 

I was able to construct his suggestions and ideas into my own and draw up my own blueprints for Pages of Vision. It was then that I knew what a real gem I had for my business. It’s those dreams and ideas that allow me to give and help others so freely. So now my mission is to help other set in place a foundation and planning to achieve their own goals, either spiritually, personally or through their business. It all can be done and that is what Pages of Vision is out to assist with. Help those with visions.

[Inspirational Beauty] I tell you Amy, there was so much positive energy when we were speaking [Smiling]. I enjoyed talking with you it was like we really got to know one another. Goes back to connecting. Your personality is so engaging and you have that giving spirit. Knowing that your grandmother and mother were your greatest influences in your life please tell us how those relationships influenced who you are in life.

[Amy Ward] Oh wow Kim; you really are scoring some major points with my family for asking that [Laughing].

My grandmother and mom along with several other family members have always been active in my life. My grandmother, Martha Satterfield was quite for the most part. Not quiet in a sense that she did not take an active role in my life but quiet literally.  When she had something to say that sista didn't hold anything back and I mean nothing. I used to wonder why my grandma seemed so light and playful with my cousins when we were kids but when I was around her she was always teaching me life skills. I was like, dang grandma I wanna play but she would have me writing out checks for her bills and what not. Lesson number one; learn how to survive. Paying bills on time is a must. Subtle lessons and messages that carried a lot of weigh later in life. She spent a lot of time talking to me, teaching… and sometimes when she didn't speak it was louder than her physical words. You know how it was back in the day; when an adult could give you a certain look and you knew you had better sit down [Laughing]. That was my grandma.

 My mommie, Gwen Satterfield is not to far from different. She saw something in me early on that I hadn't seen in myself until recently.  She gave our family a strength that keeps us bonded even when we were far away from each other.

My mom, Oh Lord girl I don't know where to start [Laughing]. First and foremost she gave me Jesus. It definitely doesn't get much better than that. She’s absolutely my loudest, biggest and most supportive cheerleader. She taught me how powerful words can be and has always encouraged my writing.

I can honestly say that my mom and I have been through some things; some really hard things. I'm the older of two girls and she was a single mom, I honestly don't know a stronger woman. She had to be because I started smelling myself early in life. It’s what we would refer too as getting besides one’s self.  But Renee [that's what our family and friends call my mother] wasn’t having none of it. She played no games with us. When we got lippyor said what our friends’ parents allowed them to say she would tells us, "If you think you can go outside and have it better out there than you can have it here… and since you are my child I want to see you happy. I love you so by all means go for it." She understood what it meant to raise us the right way. A real parent something that has fallen to the wayside in these times. She was the epitome of class and very business minded through it all. Every laugh from her came with tears [Laughs]. She literally laughs so hard at times that she had tears coming down from her eyes because according to her, "Life should be filled with happy tears." I have gained so much more respect for her now that I am an adult. Not that I didn't have it before, but it’s just you don’t appreciate the little things or notice them until you have grown a little. She wasn't taking anything less [respect], but now I'm raising my own kids and I'm like lawd I owe that woman a million apologies and thank you(s) for not killing my tail. [Chuckling] I always say sometimes you have to get it to get it! Meaning, sometimes you just have to go through it to understand it and now being a single mother I get it because child, my kids have tried to give it to me. [Laughing] It's not easy and itdoesn't come with a manual. Parents as a whole try do their absolute best for the most part. You are not going to get every single thing right but you can absolutely try your best. I saw that in my mom and she did a fine job at it.

She has been the driving force to keep me moving when I’ve just wanted to give up. Ever so stressing how important it is to accept support when it's offered. Genuine support, unconditional support because not all support is good support. Some people who try to support you are better off not. You know like that support from cousin Ray Ray we all have, “Please, please Ray Ray back up… just back up!" Genuine support can be felt and although it may not be the type of support you want because you are looking for more, you learn it’s sometimes the best because it’s what they actually can give or only can give. I had to learn we couldn’t always get the type of support we want. Not everyone has money flowing out his or her pockets or willing to give it. But I’ve learned that encouragement can go a long way at times. Don’t let your pride get in the way of taking support from genuine people that are just looking to help you succeed in life. My mommie taught me that!

[Inspirational Beauty] Having these wonderful ladies in your life has made you such a powerful young woman. I know that you are an entrepreneur, an author, and now I can add film director and producer to the list as well. [Smile] I’m so interested in your current projects, your books, and of course your films. Can you tell us anything about those projects, where we can find then and when we can expect to see them?

[Amy Ward] Wow, that sounds like a lot when you say it like that. 2013 is going to be such an exciting year for me personal and for Pages Of Vision. We are officially launching our blog in January and I am so excited about that. I originally had began a blog but soon understood I wasn't ready or prepared when I launched that. I was definitely putting forth my mess not my best. I had Pages of Vision all over the place and I was just all up in my own way. So I took a minute to pray, think, getting needed advice and from there to regroup.  Now I know I’m are ready. The blog will carry the same name and be titled Pages Of Vision. My team and myself will spend more time focusing on what I like to callAspiration Claimers. This is where we try to unite people who offering great products and services and want to claim their spot in success. They know what they want and are going after it. No ifs, ands, or buts just doing it. With our help I am sure we will have plenty of success stories to report back with. I have met many wonderful people who are really out here doing some really positive things. These are hard working people that have also influenced our soon to be released documentary, tentatively titled No Ordinary Prenuer. The film is a documentary about single mothers who work nine to five jobs or multiple jobs in some cases but still going after the things they aspire to have.

A lot of these women have suffered a lot in relationships; some have struggled with addictions and or have had to take five steps back to get six steps ahead. But the one thing I have to stress is they all have never stopped striving for what they have believed in or wanted. Their common goal is their will to succeed. Now that’s some strength. You know this diva is going to have to invest in some Kleenex, especially from all the happy and sad tears we have on the set. I have been verbally thanking God for placing them in my life and using me as His vessel to get their story out there. I really hope that teenagers and adults; not just women and girls but men and boys will be able to look at the movie and say, "Man if they went through all that and they accomplished all that, I know I can make it." You know the, I can do it theme. You are so right Kim when you say we have to offer our kids some options. The way it’s going now, these kids got a diva scared. Can you imagine in 2020 Weezy and Nikki in the white house? Or worse, cities with more prisons then communities and parents have dropped the ball. Uncle Sam and Big Brother are preparing for our kids to fail. People are just not investing in our children anymore. Parenting is not what it used to be so my mission is to get that back on track. We can’t keep dropping the baton and think we are going to come out OK in the end. That's where we are headed if we don't show them something other than the nonsense they are subject to from corporate media. So I’m hoping to offer some options and hopefully give something back to the entrepreneurs in the film. But you are just going to have to watch the movie to get all that info. [Coy smile] You know a diva has to keep some of it a surprise [Laughs].

My book, A Woman in the Making has a running theme that ties right into the general overall message of the documentary and blog. We are hoping the release to be early spring of 2013. The book synopsis outlines a teenage girl growing up in Chicago, who deals with a lot of family betrayals, which leaves her confused and feeling all alone. My main character, Vision tells her life story to the readers while she sheds light on the exposure of family secrets can rip a family completely apart.  While highlighting how she is thrust into the responsibilities of an adult before she is truly ready. My goal was to capture the voice of teenager dealing with divorce, molestation, trust issues, and betrayal. I fine we often hear adults and professionals express how life altering these events can affect a child, well withA Woman in the Making I wanted to allow people to get it from the horse’s mouth, sort of speak. Let the child speak. To allow the child to show and tell us how they really feel. I am hoping by this it will allow more parents and children to connect. Communicate. Bring back that traditional bond that as been absence for so many decades now.

I want to say 2013 is the year of Pages of Vision, honey and we claiming that thing cuz, Hesaid so! [Both laughing]

[Inspirational Beauty] Well guys, we are gonna come to you tomorrow with part two of our conversation. This lady has a lot more to say and we need to be able to hear every word. To be so young; she has so much experience in life. Ups and downs and I am so impressed with her.  How she continues to take care of her family, herself, and most of all HER DREAMS… Amy you doing it baby!

Come back tomorrow and learn how she juggles it all. How her FAITH KEEPS her, and what her favorite makeup items are. [Smile]

As always guys… Love you from the inside out.

Inspiratitional Beauty!

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