Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thanks for coming back for the 2nd part of our conversation with Ms. Amy Ward!

Thanks for coming back for more of Amy Ward . . .Visionary behind "Pages Of Vision"

By Inspirational Beauty

 Well, we had a little break since the last time we heard from this young Lady.(smile) We wanted to save the second part of our conversation for the NEW YEAR! Once again, I am delighted to introduce you to The Creator Of “Pages of Vision”, Ms. Amy Ward. So let’s get back to our conversation.

{Inspirational Beauty} Amy, we spoke about your influences, your projects, and why you love doing what you do, how do you do do it all? I mean, you're a Mother, take care of a  Business, write, giveback to people in the community, AND WRITE(Geesh. . .lol) . . .How does your faith come in to play, if at all?

{Amy Ward}Now Kim, you know you can't have kool aid without the sugar (laughs). My faith is my "Sugar" and it's not “Splenda” its the real deal Holyfield...you hear me!(Laughing)Kim, I will tell you, what you see with me, is what you get. Even if I tried, I couldn't be anyone else but Amy!There was a point in my life, where I choose death over life. I mean, I was over worked, underpaid, and was just in "GIVE UP" mode. It was the lowest point in my life! I used to hear people talk about hope, and faith and I guess I always knew you had to have both in order to have a happy life, (and I felt like I had faith ,and I had hope ,but nothing was moving in the direction I needed it to go in).

There were two major obstacles I had to face. First. . . while I had faith, (I had a lot of, if not all) of my faith wrapped up in humans. As the saying goes "to error is human" so how crazy is it to have all your faith in something that was born with some "blemishes”.
When we wrap our faith up in people, and they error (which is inevitable) it is the biggest let down ever. It will affect you mentally, attack your self esteem and have you second guessing every person, every act of kindness you receive, and totally isolate you from reality because you put them on such a high pedastol!

Secondly, the Bible says "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD" (James 2:14) I wasn't doing anything but complaining and feeling sorry for myself! Kim when we get ready to make serious transitions in life we have to totally and completely surrender all.I am still taking baby steps. “Baby” steps (hahahaha). So my faith is literally my life saver and my survival.”

{Inspirational Beauty}You are doing such a wonderful job , and you are so young(smile). I see nothing but great things for your future, and if there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to call on me sweetie. I know you have a special place for young people like I do as well, what advice can you give these youngster’s or their parents that you think will make a difference?

{Amy Ward}  Awww Kim, just you taking time to tell my story is such a blessing and I am so thankful. Words are mere utterances, and sounds to help describe our feelings, but sometimes they can't convey our feelings completely (if that makes sense). So, I hope you can feel my gratitude for your compliments and support.

 If I could give youngsters and parents some advice it would be LISTEN. . . . LISTEN. . .  LISTEN. On both sides of the spectrum!(smile). These kids are speaking out through their actions. When they feel like they aren’t being heard they act out in reckless ways. Most times, they don't even know how they are sabotaging themselves or their “FUTURES”!
We as Parents are so wrapped up in our jobs as providers that we don't give the proper “praise” sometimes that our kids need .  We (Parents) are sometimes “throwing” our hands up and turning to outside sources to comfort our kids, and that is making them more docile and preoccupied. Now both kids and Parents can come together but it takes both These kids didn't ask to be here, and we have a responsibility to let them know that through all their recklessness and arrogance we still love and support them! I urge parents to think about how they were at the same age of these kids.... Share your experiences with your kids. I lay a lot of responsibility on parents because our job is so big. The pressure of it alone , is enough to drive someone crazy. We have to be their biggest cheerleader’s.

{Inspirational Beauty}Do you think hanging with positive people will make a difference in their teenage years?

{Amy Ward}Let's be honest. We raise our kids up until  around the 7th grade (and I'm being nice with that one). After that, outside influences (classmates, friends, tv, music, etc) raises our kids the rest of the way. I already hear people moaning and groaning, but too bad(smile). Reach back, and pull your panties out, because you'll feel better (laughs). When our kids get to middle school we have to pray that we have put enough into your child that they not only know right from wrong . That means that we have to monitor, and control what they take in. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER”

Children are human sponges (really, they soak up everything). I say all this to say, that you set the tone for what type of people your kids think are okay to have in their lives. As adults, we all strive to have positive supportive circles of friends. Now unless you are breeding some type of “Will Smith independence day alien child” why wouldn't they need the same type of circles you need as an adult. Kids are facing many more obstacles than we faced at the same age! 

{Inspirational Beauty} That is so true, and hope anyone who is reading this, really listen’s to that advice. We as parent’s really need all the help we can get! Ok. .. . to lighten things a bit. . .Amy loves makeup just as much as I do. . . .So, Amy what are 3 “MUST MAKEUP HAVES”? LOL

{Amy Ward} Have you seen this face (laughing) and you only want to pick THREE? hahahahaha If my purse wasn't the “catch” all piece of luggage I carry everywhere this would be easy (laughing). Ok. . . I have to have my “Physicians Formula” foundation/press powder. I love that they have different natural colors in one palette, because I have an uneven skintone on my face and their blend seems to work really well for my skin tone.

My “Combo” gold eyeliner and brown lip liner pencil is like a master card I can't leave home without it (laughing). And because a little shine always gives your lips the "pooh"factor I have to have a lip gloss.

I think that no matter what, a natural look can go with anything so even if I started the day out with color if I need to refresh and I can only have 3 *sigh* things in my purse these HAVE to be it!!

{Inspirational Beauty}You are truly someone that folks need to look out for(smile), I know that young people need to hear a voice like yours at this time, please tell us where we can find you? 
{Amy Ward}

You can find my blog "A Visionary Diva" at www.visionarydiva.blogspot.com 
Pages of Vision is on facebook (www.facebook.com/PagesofVision). Twitter (www.twitter.com/PagesOfVision) #TeamPagesofVision. Tumblr (www.pagesofvision.tumblr.com) Pinterest (www.pinterest.com/PagesOfVision) Instagram: @PagesOfVision 

{Amy Ward} Kim thank you for even reaching out. I am looking forward to the  "Inspirational Beauty feature blog" entry for Pages  of Vision (hint hint) hahahahaha!! I really appreciate you!!

{Inspirational Beauty}Amy . . .Thank you so much for talking with me, it was definitely nice, funny, and "REAL" sista. . . .  I wish you nothing but life, prosperity and much love.

Like always guys. . . .I love you guys, from the inside out. . . . . Inspirational Beauty!

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