Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Saturday Luv's!!

It's another great day for 2013. . .let's make it happen folks. Let's step out today and get a little sun on our faces(if the sun is out where you are. . .lol). What does everyone feel like dong today?

I don't know about you , but I wanna "RIDE OUT" playing some very loud, inappropriate rap music dialed up. .LMAO!!.

Yes. . .Inspirational Beauty, knows how to let her hair down!(smile). It's not all business for me, nor is it all "Pomp and circumstance". I am still in that "JUST ME" mode today.

So let me know what you guys have going on today. . .I may just join you(smile). Once again, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves already this morning, so turn that music up while you're doing the dishes, or running errands, shuffling the kids around, getting your hair and nails done, relaxing or whatever the case may be. . .get in the mood you wish to be in today. .. .Remember Ladies, send in your "JUST ME PHOTOS". . . . .

As always love you guys from the inside out

I. Beauty(Team I. Beauty)

Everyone this Is Ronda in "Just being me". . . .

love it Ronda. . .Team I. Beauty!


Hey guys. . .This is our "Jersey girl" Tahira in "Just Being Me"
with her little one! Thanks luv. . .you Ladies are beautiful!

Team I. Beauty!

This is Kia Watson everyone. . . .just being her. . .I love it!

Thanks Beautiful Lady!

Team I. Beauty!

"Anyway, this is me being me, but going out of my comfort zone being on this horse. I'm afraid of them and this is the first time getting on one since I was 5 or 6.(smile) I got on my uncle's horse and it bucked with me on it and we hit a tree! (LOL) I wasn't hurt (thank God), but vowed never to get on one. I decided to get on this one bc my kids asked me to and I'll do anything for my kids!-Kia Watson

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