Tuesday, March 19, 2013

There is a difference between talent and purpose

By: Inspirational Beauty


I can sing.....Talent

I can Dance....Talent...

I can Write...Talent..


God has given all of us talent, and more importantly PURPOSE!
Talent usually serves you, but PURPOSE SERVES THE WORLD!

It flows through you like water, it is put inside you before the foundations of the world. It is there for this time, for this season, for this world. I know that my PURPOSE is to INSPIRE YOU, and to remind you who you are, and who you belong to.

To help you know that you are not your situation, or your past, or your current state if its not seving you.

Just because we are good at something, there is something that we are GREAT AT...example....I could probably write anything because I have a kids imagination, and it would probably be fun...but my IMPACT would be greater felt through INSPIRATION BECAUSE I WAS MADE FOR THAT!

"I sit on this speaker , and it holds my entire body weight, and I am using it as a chair....but it is not a chair! Therefore not using it for its highest good, because it was not designed to be a chair". T.D.JAKES

You are designed for something very specific....you know what it is! YOU ARE READY!

As always...

I. Beauty!

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