Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hello Luv's!

Its Saturday night and hope everyone is nice and know, I was thinking about something my Mom always told me....

"Kim, never go backwards, always move forward!"

By Inspirational beauty!

You know, I have been contemplating several things recently, and have been looking at my past a little. But you know what? Shes right! The past is behind me for a reason....I should embark on new territories, new ideas, form new relationships.

I suggest you do the same, I know how easy it is to look back, because its sooooo familiar(smile), but it needs to stay behind us!

Lets move forward, yes, its scary, but its worth it, because if it was so grand where we were, we would have never left in the first place. Life will always present choices, and options, and its just up to us to take them, but no matter what you choose, always choose to move forward in everything that you do. I am still making decisions about certain things, but I have to be afraid, and just do it anyway!

I know that you can do it too! We are the same, we hope that everything works out for the best, we love hard, we don't always give ourselves credit....well its time to give ourselves credit. Life is short, and we have a lot of ground to cover.....

So remember, forge ahead, and watch the pathway open

As you guys from the inside out!

I. Beauty!

Red or Plum lips are always Fun! Start with a little black wing for the eye, place a light shadow on the lid, and white on the inside of the eye, and add black liner on the lid, on the water line, and a little beneath the lash line to create depth. put a little pink or orange blush on the apples of your cheeks, and add a lip liner onto lips to create the shape that you want. Add a plum or red matte lipstick, then apply a little gloss only to your cupids bow(In the center of your lip) and walah......LADY IN RED! Enjoy. . ..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Men wanna know why "we" ladies don't always say what we mean.

By Inspirational Beauty!


Ok guys I wanted to share a Conversation I had with one of you, and I just wanted to share just in case it may help someone.....enjoy!

Question 4 u Kim , why do women say things out of anger , then once it's too late say they didn't mean it ?

Kimberly Arrington
Hey John!

Lol....lets see..well most times it's because we are at our highest emotional state when we are angry, so boundaries kinda take a back seat at the

When we calm down, we are more rational, and then we realize what we said, and that's when we take it ain't right, but that's what happens.

Hopefully as we mature we can think before we speak, but anger is a hard thing to understand.
I hope this helps....

This is a good question, can I place this on the pagefor others?

Ok Kim , I like that answer you gave and I'm trying to wrap my head around it lol , but of course you can use it and you can use my name if you want.

Kimberly Arrington
Yeah..,sometimes the stuff that's said is very hurtful,and we shouldn't say it, but it's best to be with someone who will respect you enough not to say crazy stuff....

Yeah...... I''ll remember that for my next relationship . That's why I like talking to you , you give good advice.

Kimberly Arrington are so sweet....yeah it's a work in progress, just try to see if she is mature, and you will know, especially the way she handles herself when she is upset, that will tell you a lot. 

When a woman is willing to win at all cost, and won't let up, that is a problem.

You need a person who would rather be happy...than right!
I hope that helps John!

I will share more conversations.....remember these are just my opinions, and I always share my personal thoughts as a person who has matured over the years.

As always....luv u guys....

I. Beauty!

There is a difference between talent and purpose

By: Inspirational Beauty


I can sing.....Talent

I can Dance....Talent...

I can Write...Talent..


God has given all of us talent, and more importantly PURPOSE!
Talent usually serves you, but PURPOSE SERVES THE WORLD!

It flows through you like water, it is put inside you before the foundations of the world. It is there for this time, for this season, for this world. I know that my PURPOSE is to INSPIRE YOU, and to remind you who you are, and who you belong to.

To help you know that you are not your situation, or your past, or your current state if its not seving you.

Just because we are good at something, there is something that we are GREAT AT...example....I could probably write anything because I have a kids imagination, and it would probably be fun...but my IMPACT would be greater felt through INSPIRATION BECAUSE I WAS MADE FOR THAT!

"I sit on this speaker , and it holds my entire body weight, and I am using it as a chair....but it is not a chair! Therefore not using it for its highest good, because it was not designed to be a chair". T.D.JAKES

You are designed for something very know what it is! YOU ARE READY!

As always...

I. Beauty!

Be like an Eagle.......

God often uses his very own creatures to describe his character.... The Lion, and the Eagle are used most frequently!

You see the EAGLE is the King of all Birds, not because he fly's the highest above all other birds, not because of his wing span, not because he sits high, not even because of his solitary ways.....and all those things are to be marveled at....but because of his VISION!!

You see, the Eagle has a vision that no other bird or animal has, the scope of what he sees in the distance is uncanning.(He sees up to ten miles ahead of him, his eyes act as a scope).

Therefore never making decisions out of panic, out of need, or desperation.

He sees from all angles, and he can sit back and watch things unfold, and when the time is right, he swoops in without consequence with such beauty and grace and get whats his.

You see it is known throughout history that A "Man" A "Community" "Country" or etc without a VISION WILL PERISH!

I suggest that you get a VISION for yourself, and align yourself with others that have a similar vision. If a bird was given that ability, you have it to, for you were made in the Image of the CREATOR HIMSELF!

When you have a vision, you anticipate moves, you don't have to come from need or greed, because you see that the landscape will provide all that you need.....widen your lense, stop thinking like a chicken, he only sees whats in front of him.

He cant help it, its who he is, but we(HUMANS) have the capacity to soar, to see without seeing, to get assistance from others.... Let the truth be your guide....Go up to higher ground, where the air is better, where you can be one with nature, where your inner voice can be heard, and look up to the sky, and depending on where you are, you may see one of these majestic birds in flight...They are a sight to see, and heaven to behold.

BE LIKE THE EAGLE....Soar....... Learn to see from all angles, and when you do anxiety leaves, trust and confidence will replace don't have to scrounge , or just yourself to the possibility that GODS VISION FOR YOU IS ALWAYS GREATER THAN YOURS!!!

As always...

I. Beauty!

If its meant to will be!

By Inspirational Beauty

I'm back! Lol

Do you believe in Divine Intervention? Well...I certainly do. You know, there are just some people that are supposed to cross your path! It doesn't matter if you are in another city, state, country, or if you go the other way when you see them. 

If it is meant ....IT WILL HAPPEN . I just talked to someone whom I consider to be a person that I would only get to know from afar, through articles, through the lens of my camera, and from history books......and I was going to leave it there.

But me, being the little stubborn thing that I am, I couldn't leave well enough alone, and decided to write this Gentleman a note, telling him who I was, and that I was very appreciative of him inspiring me from afar. I then explained that I love to Inspire and motivate others, and would love to speak with him. I knew that wasn't gonna happen.....who am I? Why would he want to contact me? So I went on with my day, and later I see I received a message in my inbox.....AND IT WAS HIM!!!

I couldn't believe it, not only did he thank me for reaching out, but he gave me a direct line to contact him and speak with him personally. 

My palms were sweating, my heart was racing, I began to stumble over my thoughts....What WAS I GOING TO SAY TO HIM?

Long story short, I didn't contact him immediately, my insecurities took over for the day, so I decided I would call him the next day.....the next day comes, and guess what? The insecurities won again!

How could this be? How could I run from the very thing that I wanted so much? Well..... I took a deep breath, called the number, it rang three times, and then I heard


And the rest was history...he was so gracious, and warm, and inspiring, and had to take a meeting, but he even called me back! We talked for about 45 minutes, and he gave me some great insight, and was so giving with his knowledge, and he was willing to shares with me, I could hear the excitement in his voice.

Let me tell y'all something right now! If there is someone you want to meet, or something you want, go for it, these people are waiting to give of themselves, to share, to help, to inspire, to impart wisdom, and to mentor you.

He didn't help me because he was looking for me......I SOUGHT HIM OUT! Step out of your comfort zone, and you will be surprised to see who is there willing to help assist you in this thing called life.

God is truly amazing, and I know that it is him, that leads me beside still waters, it is he, that provides manna from heaven. In my darkest days and sleepless nights, he will calm the tides. Trust in him, and trust your instincts, ain't gotta be perfect, just be you!

As always....

Inspirational Beauty!

What is your love language

What is your love language?

Do you need to hear the words?
Do you need to be touched?
Do you need to just spend time?
Are you a doer?

Find out what you need, and share this information with the one you love, and find out their love language...
Also find out your children's love language.

Do they need time, affirmation, touch, or doing, find will be amazed how this will help.

Just food for thought.
Luv ya!

Inspirational Beauty!