Sunday, May 12, 2013


By Inspirational Beauty!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful and Beautiful Mommies out there. No matter where you are, I want you to know, that there is nothing more precious than the assignment that was given to YOU!

You are the bearer of life. Before we e
ver take our first breath on our own, you share yours with us, you share your space with us, your thoughts, your prayers, your hopes and your dreams for us, before we ever enter this physical space!

You love us without reason, and without prejudice, and once we appear that love Amplifies! No matter how old we become..YOU NEVER LET US GO!

I Thank God that he gave all of us an opportunity to see what sacrifice really means. MOTHERS DO IT ALL, THEY HOLD SEVERAL ROLES....AND ARE COMMITTED TO THE END.

Mothers love us when everyone else walks away, and sometimes when we lose our Mothers too soon, here comes Grandma, and Auntie, And Sis to step right on in.

Today I want to say Thank you, we should cherish you more, we should honor you more, you are truly God's servants, and no matter how hard it has been for you, keep going, because he entrusted you with his own!

Love you Ladies!

As always...


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